Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


  • Stochagene (2011-2014). Objective: identify the molecular basis of the stochasticity of gene expression in eukaryotic cells. Partners: CGPhyMC (O Gandrillon, Lyon, Leader), Genethon (A Paldi, Evry). Participants: G Beslon, H Berry, G Kaneko

  • Ancestrome: phylogenetic reconstruction of ancestral "-omes", a five-year project (2012-2017), call "Bioinformatics" of the "Investissements d'avenir". Supervisor: V Daubin (CNRS, LBBE, Lyon) ; with Institut Pasteur, ENS Paris, ISEM (Univ Montpellier 2) Participant: E Tannier.

  • Foster: Spatiotemporal data mining: application to the understanding and monitoring of soil erosion (2011-2014). Supervisor: N Selmaoui and F Flouvat (PPME Univ. Nouvelle Caledonie); with LISTIC Univ. Savoie, ICube Univ. Strasbourg, BlueCham Company. Participant: C Rigotti.

  • Dopaciumcity (2014-2017) (Dopamine modulation of calcium influx underlying synaptic plasticity): a 4-year project (2014-2017) funded by a grant from the ANR-NSF-NIH Call for French-US Projects in Computational Neuroscience. With L. Venance, College de France, CIRB, CNRS/UMR 7241 - INSERM U1050, Paris, France and K Blackwell, Krasnow Institute of Advanced Studies, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA. Supervisor: L Venance (for France) and K.L. Blackwell (for US). Participants: H Berry, I Prokin, A Foncelle